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Oracle EPM December Updates and New Features

Arun Raj
2 min readNov 25, 2022


There are few great features awaiting you in the 22.12 (December) EPM updates. Here are a few that I am looking forward to. To read the complete list of updates, check Oracle Documentation here.

Direct Drill Support in SmartView

Use Smart View to perform a direct drill. When direct drill is configured and you drill from Smart View, the drill down data from the source system is displayed directly in a new Excel sheet.

Make sure to install the latest version SmartView once it is available.

Import Reports Background Color in Excel

When importing a report to Excel, the background color specified for the report in the Report Designer is now applied to the Excel worksheets.

New Version of Migration REST APIs

This new version contains all parameters in the payload and does not require URL encoding while calling the REST APIs. The best part is that the new version is backward compatible, so no changes are needed for existing REST APIs. I will include the links to the APIs once Oracle Documention is updated.

The new version applies to these migration REST APIs:

  • Upload Application Snapshot (v2)



Arun Raj

Mostly write about Oracle Cloud ERP and EPM related Topics. Interested about emerging AI technologies, Python and Low Code Tools